XanGo Review A Real Concern Here

Before you go around reading other XanGo Reviews, let me throw something at you that could make a BIG difference in your success level…

Click Here to see for yourself

If you’re doing your research, looking for a XanGo Review, you’re in the right place, and you’re timing couldn’t be better.

Do not worry if you’ve seen a few XanGo Scam sites, XanGo is a legitimate company and the mangosteen juice is a very good product. The leaders and leadership at the top is rock solid.

There is however a major concern when looking into starting a XanGo business, there’s one question you really should be asking. That is, how am I going to build it, how successful will I be at recruiting other distributors and customers?

Most XanGo training will teach you to start with your friends and family, and I do not disagree. If you’re excited and believe in your product, then you naturally should want to share it with those you care about most. But the issue here is, most people who rely on this approach fail miserably.

A good eye opening test is to call 20 of your closest friends and family members and invite them over to hear about your new XanGo business. Most likely less than 5 will show up, maybe even zero. This is because you have a credibility and influence problem. Like me, when I first started back in 2003 I was making around $900 per month on disability, I had NO credibility or influence with anyone.

If that’s the case, you will struggle and most likely be very frustrated trying to recruit friends and family. That’s when most who don’t quit turn to the next option, what they think is their magic bullet to success.

The next step is to start purchasing leads, Yikes! Let me start by asking, if you have no credibility or influence with those you are closest to, what makes you think you will have it with a bunch of strangers?

One of the biggest issues with buying leads is there is NO trust factor or relationship. This needs to be built over time, and that means hours and hours of phone calls, and even if you do get good at prospecting and closing over the phone, it’s still very time consuming.

This is what most of the XanGo training teaches, contact your friends and family, and/or join a coop and buy leads. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather build a business AND have a life, rather than create a work at home JOB. How about you?

Being legally blind and on disability I learned very early on that my friends and family weren’t the answer, and cold calling leads was something I turned to, but holy crap was that an eye opening experience. Hours and hours on the phone, talking to tire kickers, excuse makers, whiners and complainers. Not much fun, and being tied to the phone wasn’t fun either.

So very quickly I thought, there has to be an easier way, I mean, to buy a Dell computer you don’t have to talk to Micheal Dell right? It’s all about setting up a sales system to attract leads to you, build the relationship and trust on 100% complete autopilot. Once I discovered this strategy my income not only soared, but I actually had true time freedom, to walk away for weeks sometimes months and my income kept rolling in.

Plus, it’s simple! If a legally blind guy, someone who can’t even read email with my own two eyes, or navigate the internet without an assistive softwre tool can do it, don’t you think you could do it to? Heck, probably even better!

You have to actually see it to believe it. A system to totally automate the lead generation process, build the trust and relationships while you sleep, lay on the beach or hang out with friends and family. (Maybe you’re telling them about your XanGo business, but who cares if they join or not, because you have a funnel bringing qualified leads ready to buy from you on complete autopilot.)

Are you ready for that? Click the link below the video up above and don’t be a wussy, watch the entire demonstration, so you can see exactly how this can work to build your XanGo business bigger, better, faster, and smarter. Click “Yes, Let me In!” right now.